Precinct E
All politics is local.
If you elect me, I won't screw you


Saturday, December 24, 2005
Recieved notice yesterday, that 14 petition signatures had been found invalid.
The rest were found valid.
I am on the ballot in May.

This is good.

No one else has filed to run yet.

Un-opposed is good.
7:06 AM :: 0 comments ::

Steve :: permalink

Step two complete

Tuesday, December 06, 2005
The gathering of petition signatures is complete.
I got 75, just in case any are challenged.
I'll take them to the Bureau of Elections tomorrow.
I'll be on the ballot this spring.
Unopposed would be good...
5:57 PM :: 0 comments ::

Steve :: permalink


Sunday, December 04, 2005
Well, I have to have 35 petition signatures.
I have 28.
7 to go.

Knocking on doors, asking people for their signature isn't as hard as I thought it would be.
A lot of the time the hard part is moving on to the next door.
I've already filled one steno pad with issues people have.
I'm not even on the ballot yet.
7:45 PM :: 0 comments ::

Steve :: permalink